We’re here and ready to help!
Need assistance? Select your concern from the options below so you can get in touch with the right team who can best help you.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
Store connection complaint: [store number]
Information Needed :
- Name
- Mobile Number
- Store number
- Date and Time of visit
- Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
Store employee complaint: [store number]
Information Needed :
- Name
- Mobile Number
- Store Number
- Date and Time of visit
- Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
Update Account Information Request: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
- Name
- Old Number
- New Number
- Reason for transfer request
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
Missing Points Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
- Name
- Store
- Amount
- Date/Time
- Receipt copy
- Mode of payment: Cash or eWallet
- Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
Gift card/eVoucher Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
- Name
- Store
- Amount
- Date/Time
- Gift card/eVoucher code
- Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
Redeemed Rewards Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
- Name
- Store
- Redeemed Reward
- Date/Time
- Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
eWallet Credit Request: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
- Name
- Store
- Amount
- Date/Time
- 7-Connect reference numbers for bills/services
- Did you pay using cash? Yes or No
- if NO, did you still get the item?
- Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
eWallet Credit Request: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
- Name
- Store
- Amount
- Date/Time
- Did you pay using cash? Yes or No
- if NO, did you still get the item?
- Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
eWallet Cash In Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
- Name
- Date/Time
- 7-Connect reference numbers for bills/services
- Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
Missing Promo Credits: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
- Name of the promo
- Number of points/credits expecting to receive
- Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email loyaltysupport@7-eleven.com.ph with the information below:
Email Subject :
Inaccessible Account Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
• Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
For CLiQQ Shop and/or CLiQQ Express related concerns such as but not limited to:
- Order Status
- Tracking Information
- Order cancellation request
- Points reversal/refund for CLiQQ Shop orders
Please email the following for assistance:
If you are a CLiQQ Customer:
If you are a CLiQQ Store Personnel:
For Services:
For Merchandise, Loyalty and Wallet: