Contact Us

Select a concern below and get in touch through the email address indicated so our customer service team can assist you.

Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
Store connection complaint: [store number]
Information Needed :
  • Name
  • Mobile Number
  • Store number
  • Date and Time of visit
  • Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
Store employee complaint: [store number]
Information Needed :
  • Name
  • Mobile Number
  • Store Number
  • Date and Time of visit
  • Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
Update Account Information Request: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
  • Name
  • Old Number
  • New Number
  • Reason for transfer request
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
Missing Points Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
  • Name
  • Store
  • Amount
  • Date/Time
  • Receipt copy
  • Mode of payment: Cash or eWallet
  • Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
Gift card/eVoucher Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
  • Name
  • Store
  • Amount
  • Date/Time
  • Gift card/eVoucher code
  • Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
Redeemed Rewards Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
  • Name
  • Store
  • Redeemed Reward
  • Date/Time
  • Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
CLiQQ eWallet Credit Request: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
  • Mobile Number:
  • Amount:
  • Date/Time:
  • Store number:
  • Type of Service: (e.g Merchandise, Bills payment etc.)
  • Did the customer pay in cash after CLiQQ Wallet was declined? Yes or No
  • If NO, did the customer still get the item?
  • Receipt or CLiQQ Wallet report (applicable for store only)
  • Remarks:
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
CLiQQ eWallet Credit Request: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
  • Mobile Number:
  • Amount:
  • Date/Time:
  • Store number:
  • Type of Service: (e.g Merchandise, Bills payment etc.)
  • Did the customer pay in cash after CLiQQ Wallet was declined? Yes or No
  • If NO, did the customer still get the item?
  • Receipt or CLiQQ Wallet report (applicable for store only)
  • Remarks:
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
eWallet Cash In Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
  • Name
  • Date/Time
  • 7-Connect reference numbers for bills/services
  • Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
Missing Promo Credits: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
  • Name of the promo
  • Number of points/credits expecting to receive
  • Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.
Email with the information below:
Email Subject :
Inaccessible Account Query: [mobile number]
Information Needed :
• Brief Explanation
NOTE: If the email format appears differently on your email app or device, kindly use the template above.

For CLiQQ Shop related concerns such as but not limited to:

Please email the following for assistance:

For CLiQQ Shop customer concerns:

For CLiQQ Shop store concerns:

For Services:

For CliQQ Loyalty, Wallet and Fraud:

For GCash:
Contact 2822 (Globe & TM) / 02-7213-9999 (Other Networks)

For Maya:
Contact (+632) 8845-7788 / Domestic Toll-Free: 1-800-1084-57788

For GrabPay:
Via the GRAB APP or LINK -

For ECPay:
Contact (02) 8835 9697 / 0917 54ECPAY (32729) or 0919 06ECPAY (32729)

For MultiPay:
Contact 09283749780/09190888888 (Smart) / 09667224899 (Globe) / 835 9697 / 805 1066 (Landline)

For Xendit:
Contact +62 8138 4748 739

For Paynamics:
Contact (02) 8330 8772 / 09177009312

For Payconnect Solutions, Incorporated:
Support Phone Number (Operations) 02-34399765